There is a little tradition in our home...
each year I create a little necklace for Princess #1 and Princess #2
to wear on their first day back to school...
a gift for them...

before they leave for school I kiss the back of their necklaces
and tell them that way they will have a "mommy kiss" with them
all day!- so no need to be nervous, scared or sad- my kisses
will last until we see each other after school!

As a mom I often wonder if these little traditions mean as much to
the children as they do to me...
well, after the first day of school last week...
that evening I had an event I was attending...
after all our normal hugs and kisses goodbye, I turned to leave and
Princess #2 came running to the door and said,
"Wait mommy! let me kiss your necklace! that way you will
have my kisses until you get home!"
Oh my! My heart was so full at that moment
and tears came to my eyes and I thought...
yes! they do enjoy all the little traditions we've created together!
and you know what?
that evening was lovely! and I'm quite certain it was because
I had "Princess kisses" with me!
Happy Monday!
Many Blessings!