Yep! It's a Monday!
Ladies, I may have discovered the World's Greatest Beauty Secret-
or I may be in the hospital later today...
let me explain:
This is a bit of a busy week. (HUGE understatement!) While rushing around getting ready this morning- I grabbed my "eye cream"- applied a nice generous amount- again, HUGE understatement- when I went to put away my "eye cream"- funny thing- it was already put away- strange, what's in my hand?
Are you kidding me?? (panic setting in)
reading back of tube- Oh my goodness!!!- no time to "flush the eye area", "test on forearm", and here we go..."do not apply directly underneath the eye or on top of the eyelid!" (EXTREME panic setting in) Oops!!! Aren't wrinkles kinda like stretchmarks??- I mean they ARE from the skin being stretched...- Oh, let's hope so!!!
on a side note...I've never had stretch marks!- Why in the world did I even have a tube of "stretch mark concentrate"???
Happy Monday Ya'll!!! Nothing like starting the week off with a good laugh!
It's gonna be a fun week- if I survive!
Many Blessings!