Princess #1's table...
in keeping with the Christmas/movie theme she chose...
using her favorite colors too!

It all began with these...
It felt a bit like "If you give a Mouse a Cookie"...
if you give a mom the perfect napkins for her daughter's party...

she will create a placemat to go with them...
using fabrics cut in circles and then laminated...

and she will even tie a bow in the top corner...
using blue to go with the napkins...
(but thinking how fun to change the ribbon colors
for different occasions- like lime green for Christmas-
pink and red for Valentines...)

and then she will find ornaments in the perfect color too...
and she will add red glittered initials on them and
tie them to the chandelier...

and then she will get Princess #1 her favorite roses...
which she is so delighted because red are her favorites...

and Oh my goodness!!! she will remember that she
has popcorn dishes in the perfect colors and will use them as
vases to hold the flowers...

seeing the stripes on the "vases" will remind her of
Princess #1's favorite candy...
red and white striped puffy peppermints...
(again perfect for the "theme")
and she will scatter them down the table...

smelling the yummy candy will remind her to make the
cupcakes for the party...

and when the cupcakes are all finished she will remember
the napkins with the blue...
and will decide to create a cake topper using blue and red
cardstock, white paper fringe, hot glue...and red glitter...
all because you gave a mom some inspiration...
AND she really loves her Princess #1!
Happy Monday!
Many Blessings!