Wednesday, January 25, 2012


(image found via Pinterest)

 " a bible that's falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn't "- Charles Spurgeon

I just LOVE this picture (and quote)!! thought I'd share -looks like a beautiful rainbow of hope to me!
 Happy day sweet friends!


  1. My dad is a pastor, and when he does a memorial service, he likes to preach from the persons Bible. He will often comment on verses and notes he finds.

    What a great quote.


  2. Love this! This Book will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from this Book!

  3. it looks like mine sorta (i dont use a bunch of colors). i note the date and highlight special verses for that time in my life. sometimes i jot a note. its interesting to go back and re read. sometimes i cant even remember what was happening at the time in my life and why the verse hit me just right.
    i love the idea of my bible being used at my funeral. lovely.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a little note! I truly treasure each one!
Lots of love and many Blessings!- Jill