Monday, November 7, 2011

Good news for girls!!

EVERY girl is a princess, the daughter of a King...
the greatest King who created and rules over everything! 
Isn't that good news?!!
(Psalm 47:2, Psalm 103:19)

I decided to create a little something bearing this good news for Princess #1...

hung in her room with another simple hoop I created for her...
my prayer is that she will always remember,
on good days and not so good days,
just how very special she is and that God will always love her.
She is God's little princess!
(Psalm 139:13-14)

that is also my prayer for ALL girls!
Isn't that just a wonderful thought to treasure in our hearts always?!
We are His little princess'! {no matter our size or age :)!}

Happy Monday!
love & blessings!


  1. Precious! Your little girl will grow up and look back at these gifts of love and feel so special one day!

  2. So sweet... what a wonderful thought for a young girl to cling to!

  3. Oh Jill, I just love, love, love that!!! So super cute!! You do such a great job of showing love!!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a little note! I truly treasure each one!
Lots of love and many Blessings!- Jill