Tuesday, May 4, 2010


(truly) no place like home...

we bid farewell to our current home this week,
and begin fluffing our new nest this weekend!
(even though it is just a temporary one- a bit more on that later!)

Hope your weekend is simply wonderful!
Many Blessings!


  1. I'm sure you have sooo much going on. A little sad saying goodbye, but oh so exciting. Looking forward to hearing all about it:)

  2. that sounds very exciting. we are soon moving into
    a new home, too. lots of work!

  3. wow, it's time already?! happy moving and nesting. oh, the nesting! i love that part of moving!

  4. Happy nesting! =)

    I have an itch to say goodbye to this new construction home we bought and nest in a cozy older home!! wish the hubs was in on it with me!

    the unpacking is the best part! enjoy!

  5. Oh my, you are a busy girl! I am glad to hear that you are well as the bad weather had me a bit worried... We drove through tornadoes on the way to the beach!

    This new chapter in your life is going to be so exciting, dear friend! Lori

  6. Wishing you well as you create a new nest for you and your family. Have a great day! :) Tammy

  7. What a fun blog you have! :)

    Best of luck with your move and you family's new adventure!


  8. Jill...thanks so much for your sweet comment at my blog. :) Btw, I'm in TN as well. Wonder if we're neighbors?!!

    Your site here is beautiful too. Bet you hear that all the time!

  9. Best of wishes to you.. I know it is a lot of work... but man I can hardly think of anything much more fun than fluffing a house.. Enjoy..

  10. Good luck with your moving - hope that all goes smoothly! YOur flower pictures are simply stunning!


  11. loved the post *-*
    I loved your blog!

    I'm following you, follow me too?


    then go there on my blog too!

  12. hope everything goes smoothly with the move...i know how stressful it can be...just escape to blogland when you need a break!

  13. Good luck with the move and can't wait to see your new home.

  14. i just noticed your blog over at t's daily treasures. i have the same dish (?) from fringe studio. your blog is lovely and i'm sure the new nest is, too!


  15. Jill- I am so glad to hear that you are getting settled in your new (temporary) nest! I have missed you! I wish I could be there to help you unpack, dear friend! We would have such fun during the craziness!;) I think you will have to put my new blog address into your reader. I will be updating soon!:) Lori

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Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a little note! I truly treasure each one!
Lots of love and many Blessings!- Jill